Payment Instructions

International Money Transfers with an online remittance service are usually the cheapest, fastest and safest way for us to receive donations from overseas.

Learn step-by-step how easy it is for you to help us cover our costs for food, medicine and shelter.

Asante sana!


African societies remain primarily cash-based, and receiving funds in Tanzania remains challenging. At URBAN TAiLS we depend on donations made via Western UnionWise or WorldRemit (among others) because they offer transfers to our M-PESA accounts.

M-PESA (m is for mobile, and pesa is Swahili for money) is a branchless banking service for mobile phone-based money transfers. Founded in 2007 by Vodaphone, it spread quickly and has become the most successful mobile phone-based financial service in Africa and the developing world. Today, millions of people and economies in Tanzania, other Eastern African countries, and India depend on M-PESA.

The service gives us and millions of people access to the formal financial system and reduces crime. As M-PESA customers, we can deposit and withdraw money from a network of agents, including airtime resellers and retail outlets acting as banking agents, paying our vet bills, buying dog food, etc. Read more about M-PESA on this Wikipedia page.

Online Remittance Services

International Money Transfer

  • Low and transparent fees.
  • Mid-market exchange rate.
  • Cheaper than bank transfers.
  • Fast and even instant processing.
  • Save and secure transaction.
  • Sender can pay by card or from bank account.
  • Receiver gets paid to M-PESA account or local pickup.

A smart option to send money overseas

Global service in 70+ countries

Send money from the US, UK, Europe, or Australia.

Receive money in African countries, primarily East Africa, India and beyond.

Donate to us in four easy steps

Open an account

Most if not all accounts with online remittance services are free of charge.

Enter Amount to Donate

Send an amount in your currency. We will receive your donation in Tanzanian Shillings at fair interbank exchange rates.

Send to Urban Tails

Send your donation to as M-PESA to Ismaeli Mungaya Mashare on +255 769662938

Pay for your donation

In most cases, you can pay your donation conveniently using a credit or debit card, your bank account or in cash.

How-To Videos

The following videos guide you trough the simple process of sending your donation to our M-PESA mobile account. 

Please note that the examples relate to Kenya. We are in Tanzania

Can you Send M-PESA transfers from the US, UK, Europe, and Australia?

You can send money from the US, UK, Europe, and Australia to be received into an M-PESA mobile account. This service is offered by third-party providers, including well-known and popular international money transfer services like Western UnionWise or WorldRemit

How to Send Money Abroad?

The exact process to send money abroad with M-PESA might depend on where your phone is registered, whether you dial into the service or use an app, and where you are sending to.

Follow the below easy steps to make your donation to us. 

Asante Sana!

Thank you for your kindness and generosity!